Supporting AAPI candidates and policies to empower our community

About Us


Our vision is to promote and foster representation by supporting AAPI candidates as well as policies and initiatives that advance and empower AAPI communities. We are a Nevada-based team of proud AAPI community members with a common goal of moving forward together. We know that our communities are not a monolith and our needs and challenges are as diverse as we are. Now, more than ever, we need to increase AAPI representation across all sectors and claim our seat at the table. Our communities are uniting to step up and step forward to demonstrate our political power.

Join our movement. 


What is representation and why does it matter?

Representation, in this context, is having our experiences as AAPIs reflected in others in all walks of life across all industries from education to business, from healthcare to politics and beyond. It means that the people we work with, the people we work for, the people we elect relate to us and to our journeys and are aware of and sensitive to our needs.

Representation Matters because it is not just validating to see ourselves reflected across industries, but also because it means people across industries are aware of who we are, where we come from, and what our needs are. Representation matters because it equips our leaders with tools to make informed policy decisions that take our needs and our voices into consideration. Moreover, representation is a natural precursor to inclusion.